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Real Estate





Our Team





Before finalizing the purchase, a lawyer can conduct thorough due diligence on the property. This includes reviewing the title deed, property survey, zoning regulations, environmental assessments, and any existing liens or encumbrances. Identifying any legal issues or concerns early on can prevent costly surprises later in the process.


A lawyer can review the sales agreement prepared by the buyer's agent or attorney to ensure that the terms are fair and favorable to you as the seller. They can also draft any necessary legal documents, such as the deed, bill of sale, and seller disclosures, to accurately reflect the terms of the sale and protect your interests. This includes Title Search and Clearance and managing the closing process.


As part of the refinance process, the lender will conduct a title search to verify your ownership of the property and uncover any title defects or liens. A lawyer can review the title search results to ensure that there are no issues that could affect the refinance, such as unpaid taxes, outstanding judgments, or undisclosed easements. We will prepare or review all necessary legal documents associated with the refinance, including the promissory note, mortgage or deed of trust, and any other closing documents.