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Corporate Services

We advise and advocate for our clients on multiple issues, including:





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Incorporating a business involves a series of legal steps and considerations, and a lawyer can play a vital role in ensuring the process is completed correctly and efficiently. From selecting a suitable business structure, drafting and filing legal documents to advising on protection of assets, an all inclusive strategy is implemented to ensure nothing is missed.

Shareholder Agreements

Our expertise is invaluable in crafting shareholder agreements that protect the interests of all parties involved, promote transparency and accountability, and provide mechanisms for resolving disputes and adapting to changing circumstances. Consulting with a lawyer when drafting or reviewing a shareholder agreement can help ensure that the agreement effectively addresses the unique needs and goals of the company and its shareholders.

Purchase or Sale of Business

We are essential in helping navigatethe complex legal aspects of the transaction, protecting your interests, and achieving a successful outcome. Their expertise and guidance help minimize risks, ensure compliance with legal requirements, and facilitate a seamless transition of ownership. This includes Asset Sales, Share Sales, Asset Purchases and Share Purchases.

Employment Agreements

Whether you're an employer or an employee, consulting with a lawyer when drafting or reviewing an employment agreement can help protect your rights and interests and minimize the risk of disputes or misunderstandings in the future.

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